Welcome! Click course links to visit the site sponsoring the free Speech Therapy CEU class. All courses are FREE & approved for ASHA contact hours required for ST, SLP license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

0.3 Free CEUs- Articulation Training Using the SATPAC Approach

NPWT/r/ and /s/ Remediation using the SATPAC (Systematic Articulation Training Program Accessing Computers) Approach

Course Overview

Articulation target sounds are established, generalized and transferred-all with the aid of lists within this program which can easily be created and printed for individual usage.
Individualized-sounds not in student’s repertoire could be excluded. Portable.
Appropriate for English language learners.
Used with facilitating contexts for rapid transfer to real speech.
Appropriate for all ages.
Easy to document progress.
Highly motivational. Facilitating to produce many rapid responses in a short therapy session.

0.3 Free ASHA CEUs for Speech Therapists