0.1 Free ASHA CEUs for Speech Therapists
Welcome! Click course links to visit the site sponsoring the free Speech Therapy CEU class. All courses are FREE & approved for ASHA contact hours required for ST, SLP license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.
Treating Core Timing Skills
Treat Core Timing Skills for Better SLP Treatment Outcomes- Describe the impact of neural network timing & synchronization on speech, language, and cognitive-communicative abilities;
List five diagnoses commonly seen in SLP clinical practice that scientists have associated with impaired neural network timing & synchronization;
Discuss critical differences between a standard metronome or music and the Interactive Metronome on treatment outcomes with regard to speech, language, and cognitive-communicative abilities;
Briefly explain the effect of synchronized metronome tapping on domain-general versus domain-specific learning
Locate additional resources to make evidence-based clinical decisions about incorporating treatment for timing & rhythm into Speech-Language Pathology practice.
0.1 Free ASHA CEUs for Speech Therapists
0.1 Free ASHA CEUs for Speech Therapists