Welcome! Click course links to visit the site sponsoring the free Speech Therapy CEU class. All courses are FREE & approved for ASHA contact hours required for ST, SLP license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

Developing Communication Skills in Nonverbal Children

Intervention Programming for Nonverbal Children- The course provides intervention-programming suggestions for developing functional communication skills in children who are nonverbal. Understanding prerequisite communication behaviors, laying pragmatic foundations, and using strategies for developing core vocabulary will be discussed. While this course focuses on nonverbal communication as it pertains to autism, the strategies and methods discussed here can be applied to a variety of situations where any given child has not developed a means of communication.
Understand and assess the prerequisite behaviors needed to participate in communication exchanges.
Define speech acts/pragmatic acts needed to participate in communication exchanges
select and develop thematic units/activities to target pragmatic skills and core vocabulary skills with a variety of nonverbal populations.
Direct teachers, parents, and paraprofessionals in using thematic activities to build functional communication skills with nonverbal children.
2.0 Free ASHA CEUs for Speech Therapists