Welcome! Click course links to visit the site sponsoring the free Speech Therapy CEU class. All courses are FREE & approved for ASHA contact hours required for ST, SLP license renewal in most states. Posts are current and include expiration dates if applicable.

0.1 Free ASHA Contact Hours-Aerodigestive Changes After Tracheostomy

Aerodigestive and Respiratory Changes Post Tracheostomy: A Comprehensive Review- Review of the anatomy and physiology of the upper airway, with a focus on the aerodigestive nature of this system, and the lower respiratory system, including descriptions of the structures and neurophysiology of voice and respiration. Descriptions of common respiratory diseases and how those diseases may be complicated even further with the placement of a tracheostomy tube will be explained. Complications of the tracheostomy tube will be discussed.
0.1 ASHA Contact Hours for Speech Therapy